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get plugged in

Below are just a few ministries that we offer, for a complete list, contact us!

Kid's Link (4 Years Old-5th grade)

Our Kid's Link program uses interactive and fun ways to teach about the Bible. Each Sunday kids hear a Bible story, do an exciting craft and play fun games! Kids receive Life Bucks each week for good behavior, bringing their Bible, bringing a friend and more. Once a month, kids can cash in the Life bucks in our "store" for toys, candy and more!


We hope that you will take the chance to talk with your kids each week about what they learned so that we can not only support your children, but we can also support your family.

Our nursery is specifically designed for infants through 3 years old with special activities, busy boards, toys, books and more! Toddlers will learn a Bible story each Sunday, have a snack and play with other kids their age! We have a dedicated group of volunteers who have been background checked for safety and security. 

As always, for the safety and security of our children, we ask that you check-in your children in the lobby of the Life Center and make sure to bring the corresponding sticker for pick-up. We appreciate your help in this matter!


Life Students (6th-12th grade) are not the “church of tomorrow;” they are a vital part of the church of today. With games, interactive teaching, discussion time and group outings, students will have fun while growing with God.

Student Ministry at Life Church at Ardsley Park
Life Groups at Life at Ardsley Park

Church is more than the worship service on Sunday mornings; it is about “doing life together.” Here at Life Church, we want to encourage you to get plugged in to a Life Group and to use your talents and gifts to serve so that you can most effectively grow in your relationship with God. Don't sit on the sidelines: try something new, plug in, and see for yourself how good church can be.

Women's Ministry

Do you have a heart for women and building relationships? Then Women’s Ministry is the place for you! Help plan events, logistics and welcome women into the church.

Women's Ministry at LIfe Church at Ardsley Park
Men's Ministry at Life Church at Ardsley Park
Men's Ministry

Have a great idea for the next Men’s Fellowship? Maybe you want to help organize one. The Men’s Ministry is a great place to get plugged-in.

Tech Ministry

As our online presence has grown during the COVID pandemic, so has our tech ministry! If you have an interest in serving by learning how to operate cameras, sound boards or run computers, click below!

Tech Ministry at Life Church at Ardsley Park
Connect with Us at Life Church
Other Ways to Connect

We have several other ways that you can connect and get plugged in with us! From the kitchen ministry to First Impressions, we have something for everyone. If you'd like a complete list of areas and ways that you can get involved, get the button below! We look forward to serving with you.

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